Configure TIBCO EMS to limit user view of queue
Posted in Labels: CONFIGURE, KONFIGURASI, LIMIT, OPREK, PERMISSION, TIBCO Setting User Permisssion View
1. Configure tibemsd.conf to use authorization
Open tibemsd.conf in EMS Data Configuration directory
Eg: C:\ProgramData\TIBCO_HOME\tibco\cfgmgmt\ems\data\tibemsd.conf
And Then set authorization to enabled.
2. Create static queue that you want
a. Open queues.conf in directory EMS Data
b. Give secure word after > symbol
c. After that write down your queue name
This is sample of my configuration
> secure
3. Create specified user in users.conf or using EMS Administration Tool
a. In EMS Administration Tool (you must login as user that have create privillege to create user
(Eg: Admin))
b. Using command create user:
4. Configure acl.conf or using EMS Administraion Tool to set permision to specified queue and user.
As described above, we create 2 user COBA1 & COBA2 that have different permission of QUEUE, user COBA1 have permission to view all of Child from queue ILCS.>, but user COBA2 only can send, receive and browse using queue name ILCS.QUEUE.PROJECT.> but not able to view the queue.